


Solid flakes with hygroscopic properties, which absorbs humidity, maintaining environment dry. Moreover, it has the capacity to melt snow and ice and prevent their formation.
Ideal product for absorbing excess humidity in premises, basements, garages, etc. Very useful to avoid and remove ice on the floor inside cold rooms, car parks, access ramps, in general, where it is necessary to prevent low friction conditions produced by snow or ice.

  • Water-soluble product with heat release, its solutions form antifreeze brines that can be kept liquid up to temperatures of approximately -50 ºC.
  • Very hygroscopic product that absorbs humidity, even in dry weather.
  • It can be used as a preventive measure.
  • Deliquescent product, it is dissolved in the humidity it absorbs, keeping its surroundings wet and preventing dust from being released.

Size Packaging
5Kg Bucket Pack of 4 buckets
25Kg Bucket Individual bucket
